Become A Professional Pet Stylist Today

Your New Career Is Waiting For You.
Let’s Do This Together!

Turn your passion for animals into a career with AZ Pet Grooming Academy, where you can reshape your life in just 500 hours. Offering unparalleled value, our program provides practical skills, a chance at financial freedom, and a pathway to a rewarding career all at a fraction of the cost and time commitment of a traditional college education.

Why Choose Us?

We are committed to providing a comprehensive education that goes beyond the basics, offering a focus that extends beyond aesthetics alone but encompasses safety, health education, calming techniques, and specialized training on various skin and coat types. You will not only master the art of grooming but will also become a compassionate and responsible professional dedicated to the overall well-being of the animals you work with.

Hands-on dog grooming school in Glendale, AZ

What Makes Us Different?

As one of only two Arizona licensed and state registered grooming academies in the state, AZ Pet Grooming Academy isn’t just a place to learn. It is a place for change and is an opportunity to mold and shape the grooming industry into a welcoming environment where groomers can find camaraderie, collaboration, care and compassion.

Student learning how to groom a dog in Glendale, AZ.

Hear From A Recent Graduate!

Want to hear about what makes us different from someone who experienced it firsthand?

Watch Curtis’ story to hear about his experience with AZ Pet Grooming Academy.

A Different Kind Of Grooming Academy

At AZ Pet Grooming Academy, we take pride in offering an exceptional learning environment that instills a positive attitude toward pet grooming, fostering enthusiasm for learning at any age and skill level. Our grooming classes are designed to provide more than just an education – we aim to nurture a passion for professional pet grooming through hands-on instruction, and mentorship.

Positive Learning Environment

Our classes create a positive space where students of all ages and skill levels develop a love for pet grooming.

We believe in cultivating an atmosphere that encourages learning and enthusiasm, ensuring a fulfilling experience for everyone.


Experience more than a conventional learning approach! Our classes emphasize hands-on, individual instruction, and mentoring, providing specialized educational options for each student.

You'll receive personalized guidance, allowing you to explore and refine your unique grooming style.


Our curriculum focuses on providing students with the knowledge and skills essential for a successful career as a professional pet groomer.

From bathing and drying methods to advanced techniques, you'll gain a comprehensive understanding of the grooming craft.

Diverse & Inclusive

Our classes are created for students of all ages and skill levels to develop a love for pet grooming. We embrace diversity and encourage self-confidence by helping you discover individual strengths and areas for improvement.


We are committed to supporting our graduates every step of the way as they transition from students to professionals in the grooming industry.

Our job assistance program is designed to help our graduates find fulfilling employment opportunities in the grooming field.

We provide our graduates with access to a curated list of grooming job opportunities around the valley. These listings include positions that are specifically looking to hire recent graduates from our academy, giving you a competitive edge in your job search.

Understanding Unique

Our curriculum focuses on providing students with the knowledge and skills essential for a successful career as a professional pet groomer.

From bathing and drying methods to advanced techniques, you'll gain a comprehensive understanding of the grooming craft.

Why become a pet groomer?

Why Become A Pet Groomer?

If you’re wondering if pet grooming would be a good career for you, download our flyer to learn about all the ways that grooming can be a fulfilling, stable career that can help you live the life you want.

Grooming graduates celebrating in Glendale, AZ.

Ready To Change Your Life?

Experience the cageless grooming experience for yourself. Join AZ Pet Grooming Academy and discover a learning experience that goes beyond the ordinary. Enroll now to build your skills, foster your passion, and create a successful career serving pets.

Grooming graduates holding up their certificates.